
Breaking bad

Hello everyone. Today I will talk about the best series in the world for me "Breaking bad".  I started watching this series when I was about 13 years old and the truth of the first chapter seemed very interesting. The plot is very funny and controversial, it combines well with the personal aspect of the main character "Heinserberg". From chemist to trafficker. This change was abrupt, because Heinserberg was a good man who took care of his family and had many values. Perhaps this series shows the change in the way of seeing the lives of many people with diseases such as cancer, the change in their lives and their desperate attempts to get ahead or sometimes leave a family legacy or inheritance. There can be many points of view. One of the most important things and that I think I liked most about the series were the moments of tension in a poor chemist who only with his professionalism knew how to keep himself safe. although he finally dies but with a fo
party I remember my 17th birthday. This celebration was the best celebration of my life. At this time, I was attending fourth year of high school. I never expected the party to be so good and I did not have so many expectations. Very interesting things happened, such as when we met my cousins, which did not happen more than ten years ago. At first, I create a Facebook event for my birthday and invite my friends from school, neighborhood and other friends, and that is how it all started. When it was eleven o'clock at night, my friends arrive with more friends and more friends, but strangely enough, I knew them all. Then the party started and everyone was dancing and having a great time. There was a lot of alcohol but I think everything was under control; at least the police did not arrive. The party was until six am and then all the guests helped me clean the house, this was amazing because the floor of the house was black with all the drinks that had dispersed. One of
Today I will talk about my friend Catalina. When I started studying architecture, my first day I met a singular girl, she had long hair and was very nice. She had a unique personality and I realized this when she started calling all the people who were alone on the first day of college to make friends. This was amazing. Your name is Catalina Rubio and she is a very hippie person. When we started studying, she had very good grades in the workshop, but I was never as nervous as everyone else due to academic pressure was or at least that was what I saw in her. Perhaps the way of seeing university life for her was less complicated and that surprised me. His lifestyle is very nomadic, because he travels through Chile and its regions many times a year. Perhaps her lifestyle led her to abandon university studies and start a new life project appropriate for her way of being and seeing life. Now he works to raise money and go to Germany, where he plans to have his tattoo studio.
Hello again When I was a child I always felt that the celebration of the national holidays in Chile was a good thing for the whole country and that we celebrated a very important date together. but when I grew up and I realized that what we really celebrated was a government meeting for fidelity to a Spanish king, I was very surprised, in fact if you didn't know the national holidays, it should be celebrated in February. Well, I don't want to be a water party either, and for that reason I think that despite being a strange day since everyone celebrates not knowing 100% well what it is, I think that the date that falls in spring is a delight. The weather is nice, it is not too hot or too cold. This is very good to celebrate as a family. today I realize that maybe the funds or 18 is being valued more for a party than drinking alcohol more than for what it really is, especially in young people, I feel that sometimes although we adjudicate that nationalism maybe just because it
Hello again Today I will talk about the most fabulous Totoralillo beach in the fifth region. Well, I always go to Totoralillo beach in summer because my parents studied in La serena so they know the fifth region of Chile very well. This beach is small but very pretty and is close to the center of Coquimbo. Visiting this beach is a lot of fun because I go with my whole family and a very good atmosphere is generated. Also, when we go to Totoralillo in September, it is even better, since the beach is completely unoccupied and we have a large beach with crystal clear waters for us. When I went to Rio de Janeiro I thought that the beaches would be a thousand times better than in Chile and the truth is that totoralillo has nothing to envy to Rio de Janeriro. This is impressive because everyone in Chile thinks that the beaches outside Chile are better. They would have to go to the totoralillo to realize that it is not necessary to travel so many kilometers by plane in order to have
Hello everyone today talk about the good jobs for me When I was a child I only thought about playing and now I realize that these games are a bit related to the things I would like to work on. I don't know if it could be considered a job to be a skate athlete, but it's one of the things I would most like to do.  I consider that the jobs I would most like to do are related to mobility, sports or even travel. Architecture may be a bit related to being on the move and always active. I was also always interested in the environment and I feel good outside.  When I realized this, it was when I first worked delivering sushi by bike. This was a good experience since I really like riding a bicycle and more if it is for work. Some people may think that simple jobs are poorly regarded but there are people who feel good about those jobs despite not making much money. This is why I consider that we have to work on something that really makes us feel good and not pressured to do th
Hello everyone Today I write about the greatest Chilean person. I feel that the politician have a many influences in the community and they makes important changes in people´s lives. Victor Jara somehow is a politician because he changes the music and because the music changed and through this he protested. This is a good form to express the feelings and thinking’s. This man was an important singer in the years 70 – 80 and his death marked a historical fact, knowing that we were in a period of conflicts of thought by the dictatorship. If I knew this person in the real life I would ask him “How can you be so brave when protesting in a dictatorship?” The relationship whit the other singers like Violeta Parra, Angel Parra The relationship with the other singers like Violeta Parra, Angel Parra was something that added value to Chilean music and an identity that characterized the spirit of the townspeople. I speak of Victor Jara because I think this person was th